Judith Valerie Yoga

Students seated in yoga class with Judith Valerie teaching

About In-Person Classes

In-person classes offer a relaxing atmosphere, camaraderie, and personalized instruction. I love helping you adjust and refine your poses. Also, being together creates a safe space where we can deepen into this time-honored practice in community.

To register for in-person classes, first read the following questions and answers, then see “How can I sign up?” at the bottom of the page.

Where and When?

The class meets at Temple Beth Or in Raleigh, Wednesdays at 6:00 pm for 75 minutes.

Temple Beth Or (TBO) is located at
5315 Creedmoor Rd., Raleigh NC 27612

Enter through the side door to the left of the main entrance.

What level class will it be?

This is a mixed level class for those who have some experience of yoga. Over time, this will deepen into a more challenging class as I will be working with you in person.

Can I attend on Zoom as well as TBO?

You are welcome to make up or add classes on Zoom. However, if you sign up for TBO as your primary class, your agreement will be to attend as many Wednesday evenings as possible.

What is the tuition for TBO?

One 75-minute weekly in-person class for 8 weeks, $160

Your tuition also includes unlimited Zoom classes. 

What are the Covid protocols?

To attend classes at TBO, students must be vaccinated and boosted. Masks are optional.

How can I sign up?

If you have not already signed up for the TBO class, please let Judith know of your interest and previous yoga experience.